Deep links

See a comprehensive snapshot of your deep links so you can easily identify and troubleshoot issues

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Monitor your setup

See which of your domains are supported by deep links in one place

Spot issues easily

Discover issues with your deep links at a glance

Resolve issues quickly

Get code snippets to fix the app-website association from domains your app accepts traffic from

Best practices

  • Use the cards at the top of the deep links page to dive straight into the issues that need your attention most. The cards will link you directly to the specific documentation content you need to take action

  • Under the “Domains” section, hover over the status column to see which checks have failed. Use the "JSON" generator to copy the contents of your assetlinks file directly to your domain, containing all the information you need to make your app links work

  • To fix issues described in the “App manifest” section, modify the AppManifest.xml file and publish a new version of the app

  • You can search for matching domains, paths, and schemes. You can also input a full URL to filter the view to paths that can resolve the link in your app

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Try Deep links

See a comprehensive snapshot of your deep links so you can easily identify and troubleshoot issues

Go to Play Console