Matthew Hervey

Latest release: November 9, 2017

About this audiobook series

It's 1814, and Napoleon is hard-pressed to defend France from a combination of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Britain. Nor is he the only one in a quandary.
Matthew Hervey, a young British cornet, is in a rather unusual situation. As far as he knows, it's highly irregular to be arrested on a battlefield after a successful action. Still, it's hardly the first time politics has interrupted war, and as Hervey's career progresses, he increasingly balances both, sometimes more successfully than others!
A Close Run Thing
Book 1 · Nov 2017 ·
It's 1814, and Napoleon is hard-pressed to defend France from a combination of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Britain. Nor is he the only one in a quandary.
Matthew Hervey, a young British cornet, is in a rather unusual situation. As far as he knows, it's highly irregular to be arrested on a battlefield after a successful action. Still, it's hardly the first time politics has interrupted war, and as Hervey's career progresses, he increasingly balances both, sometimes more successfully than others!
The Nizam's Daughters
Book 2 · Nov 2017 ·
Fresh from Waterloo, Matthew Hervey, aide-de-camp to the Duke of Wellington, leaves the scene of his triumph to travel to India. Chintal's Hervey's destination, and his mission's to glean intelligence for the Duke, who expects to become Governor-General of India. Chintal's under threat from Northern renegades, not to mention the neighbouring Nizam of Haidarabad, whose powerful and ferocious force of artillery is known all over India as the Nizam's Daughters. Hervey becomes embroiled in another heated debacle, but this time without the help of his dragoons. It's up to him alone to decide where in the coming conflict his loyalties will lie.
A Regimental Affair
Book 3 · Nov 2017 ·
Following his best-selling title, The Nizam's daughters, this is Mallinson's third novel in the acclaimed series combining accurate historical details, breath taking battles, and an involving plot. It is 1817, and Captain Matthew Hervey has returned from his bloody battles in India to find England in political and economic disorder. The lack of a professional constabulary means the task of policing as become attributed to the army, and particularly the cavalry. Despite the chaos surrounding him, Hervey develops a passionate relationship with Lady Henrietta Lindsey. This results in a marriage that will alter his life and future dramatically. During battle a new commanding officer develops a deep hatred for him and withholds a dark secret. Tension amounts as their futures are about to collide, and the consequences will be devastating.
The Sabre's Edge
Book 5 · Nov 2017 ·
1824, the Sixth Light Dragoons are still stationed in India, and the talk in the officers' mess is of war. The Burmese are increasingly challenging the Company's dominion, and skirmishes are becoming common on India's borders. A blaze looks set to flare, taking the surrounding provinces with it. With the threat of war on two fronts, British troops must intervene.
Rumours of War
Book 6 · Nov 2017 ·
1826: Napoleon Bonaparte is dead, the Congress of Vienna's work is done, and there is peace in Europe. However, in Portugal there is the scent of civil war in the air following the death of KingJohn VI.
Newly returned from India, Matthew Hervey joins a party of officers sent to make an assessment and lend support to the Portuguese queen. His place on the expedition is secured with the help and influence of his new friend, Lady Katherine Greville. But the Peninsula is a place redolent with memories...