Set in a dystopian future New York City, the story follows the lone surviving Turtle on a desperate and emotionally charged quest for justice. This future Gotham is a far cry from the vibrant, action-packed setting of the original series, presenting a stark, desolate backdrop that enhances the gravity of the narrative. The solitary Turtle’s mission is to avenge his fallen family and friends, adding a layer of deep personal stakes to the already intense storyline.
A Google user
It is absolutely irresistible to stop reading , and I am looking forward to reading more of the released comics. It was really worth the money, so I really recommend buying it and reading it because the depths of the story are really dark and deep, emotional and finding out more villains. If you're not sure about buying it or not, please do. It's a great masterpiece for a first release.
Angel Segoviano
En la muestra gratis, realmente me interesa leer esta historia, una especie de futruo post-apocaliptico con interesantes y emocionantes preguntas, ni siquiera se cual de todas las tortugas es este ronin misterioso. Un gran comienzo, definitivamente lo compraría en caunto tenga suficiente