Onyx Court

Latest release: May 30, 2023

About this ebook series


The year is 1590. The City of London flourishes, the most brilliant jewel in the crown of Elizabeth I, Gloriana, the Virgin Queen.


The Onyx Court is London's faerie shadow. Ruled by Invidiana, its heartless queen, it reflects and distorts the glory of the mortal court.


Years ago, Elizabeth forged a pact with her faerie counterpart to secure both of their thrones. Now that alliance is in danger. Michael Deven, a rising star in Elizabeth's court, seeks the "hidden player" who has influenced mortal politics for so long. Lady Lune, a faerie out of favour, must infiltrate the mortal world to protect her vicious queen. Together this pair will uncover the secret of Invidiana's power -- a secret that has the potential to shatter both realms . . . .

Midnight Never Come: Book 1 of Onyx Court
Book 1 · May 2016 ·

The year is 1590. The City of London flourishes, the most brilliant jewel in the crown of Elizabeth I, Gloriana, the Virgin Queen.


The Onyx Court is London's faerie shadow. Ruled by Invidiana, its heartless queen, it reflects and distorts the glory of the mortal court.


Years ago, Elizabeth forged a pact with her faerie counterpart to secure both of their thrones. Now that alliance is in danger. Michael Deven, a rising star in Elizabeth's court, seeks the "hidden player" who has influenced mortal politics for so long. Lady Lune, a faerie out of favour, must infiltrate the mortal world to protect her vicious queen. Together this pair will uncover the secret of Invidiana's power -- a secret that has the potential to shatter both realms . . . .

In Ashes Lie
Book 2 · May 2016 ·

It is the seventeenth century. For twenty years, the City of London has been torn apart: by war, by plague, by fire.


The Onyx Court is London's faerie shadow. Dedicated to co-existence with mortals, it struggles to survive against rival courts who oppose everything it stands for.


Now, when these two realms are at their most divided, they face a threat neither can defeat alone. The Great Fire ravaging London is more than mere flames. While the city's human residents struggle to halt the inexorable blaze, the fae must defeat a stranger foe: the embodiment of the fire itself, a monstrous Dragon that seeks to devour London both above and below. If the faerie queen Lune and her mortal consort cannot bring the two worlds together, the city itself may not survive . . . .

A Star Shall Fall
Book 3 · Mar 2023 ·

The Age of Enlightenment has come to England. Among the triumphs of science is the prediction by Sir Edmond Halley that a comet last seen in 1682 will return in 1758 -- a prediction that will soon be put to the test.


A century ago, the fae of the Onyx Court fought to defeat the Great Fire of London, an elemental Dragon that destroyed four-fifths of the city. In the aftermath, they banished its spirit to a comet -- a comet that will soon return.


The race has begun. When Halley’s comet appears, the Dragon will strike, and the city will burn once more. Faerie magic alone cannot kill this monster; defeating it for good will require the aid of science as well. But science brings its own form of danger . . .

With Fate Conspire
Book 4 · May 2023 ·

Victorian London is ‘the monster city” -- a place of industry and progress, poverty and disease, with veins of iron threading through its flesh.


The Onyx Court is dying -- its queen missing, its criminals unchecked, and the very fabric of the Onyx Hall itself torn apart by the iron of the Underground Railroad.


No one believed Eliza O’Malley that her childhood sweetheart was stolen from the streets of Whitechapel by the faeries. Her search for him will take her to the heart of the crumbling, corrupted faerie court -- and to a final, desperate chance that might save them all. But first she must confront the faerie who betrayed her seven years ago . . .