Casey Doran

A native of Southern California, Casey Doran learned to walk on the sands of Redondo Beach and spent his teenage years chasing the perfect wave everywhere from Baja Mexico to Washington State. He's spent time in five star resorts, biker bars run by the Hells Angels and the occasional jail cell, and he's left with stories from all of them. He now lives in central Illinois were he studies philosophy, psychology, and criminology, as well as spending way more time thinking of ways to kill people in gruesome ways than is probably healthy. Casey is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in English Education while working as a deckhand on a riverboat casino and raising a teenage daughter. When he's not writing papers on educational pedagogy, chasing away teenage boys and annoying his neighbors by wailing his Fender Stratocaster to Woodstock levels, he spends the rest of his time finding ways to get Jericho Sands into trouble. Follow Casey on Twitter at @cpdoran.