Karen Leland

Karen Leland: Karen Leland (Tiburon, CA) is the bestselling author of seven books and a freelance writer who has been published in Self, Woman’s Day, Spirituality & Health, Entrepreneur, The Los Angeles Times and others. In addition, she is the founder of Sterling Consulting and Marketing Group. Her clients have included Apple Computer, American Express, Marriott Hotels, Johnson & Johnson and others. She is also a popular speaker for business groups including the Young Presidents’ Organization, American Management Association and Direct Marketing Association. Karen is a frequent guest of the media and has been interviewed for her expertise by The New York Times, Fortune, Inc., Oprah, The Today Show, CNN, The Wall Street Journal and others. Karen has also written extensively for the online market with featured articles in CNBC.com, All Business.com, Salon.com, The Huffington Post and PsychologyToday.com.