Kathryn Alexander

Kathryn Alexander has been working as a clinical advocate for 35 years. Most people she sees are struggling with a chronic condition or cancer and trying to make informed choices without sufficient information or knowhow. The biggest problem is when the medical advice given does not match where you want to go, and this is when alternatives are sought that could make an impact on the condition. Insufficient information about what works puts the general public at a distinct disadvantage, for without knowing what something can do for you and where it will take you, then how can you have confidence that you are making the right decision. Increasing the predictability of those options by matching these against your criteria and then monitoring your progress brings clarity and confidence, and with confidence an increased motivation to put in what you need in order to make a significant difference. It was through Kathryn's work with cancer patients that she was able to understand the patient's journey, what it truly takes and how decisions are arrived at. Many times patients would come with an array of treatments from various practitioners, with no knowledge of how each product would help them, or if indeed it had any value. The question she was most asked to answer Is it worth me taking this? And so began the process, back in 2005, of creating the Health Commons Program, a program that is condition and treatment agnostic, but one that prepares you for the journey and empowers you to make the best decisions. The confidence that Kathryn gained was from witnessing those patients who put in what they needed to do, getting the best outcomes and many times leading to full recovery. All too often what we give on the one hand with treatments, we take away with the other hand with lifestyle choices. But by bringing all to the table and creating a workable strategy with the support you need, then the possibilities are endless.