Mike Resnick

Mike Resnick was born on March 5, 1942. He sold his first article in 1957, his first short story in 1959, and his first book in 1962. He attended the University of Chicago from1959 through 1961. Resnick began writing stories under various pseudonyms and churned out more than 200 novels, 300 short stories and 2,000 articles, from1964 through1976. He edited 7 different tabloid newspapers and a pair of men's magazines, as well.Resnick has also become an anthology editor, and was nominated for a Best Editor Hugo in 1994 and 1995. Since 1989, he has won five Hugo Awards, a Nebula Award, and has been nominated for 19 Hugos, eight Nebulas, a Clarke (British), and five Seiun-shos (Japanese). He has also won 10 Homer Awards, an Alexander Award, a Golden Pagoda Award, the Seiun Award (Japanese), a Hayakawa SF Award (Japanese), a Locus Award, an Ignotus Award (Spanish), a Futura Award (Croatian), the Tour Eiffel Award (French), the Prix Ozone (French), two Sfinks Awards and a Fantastyka Award (both Polish), and has topped the S. F. Chronicle Poll six times and the Asimov's Readers Poll twice.