Susan Floyd

Although Susan Floyd has been writing all her life, she didn’t start finishing books and submitting them until 1997. Since then, she’s found herself on a wonderful journey as she gradually made contact with fellow romance writers and editors at Harlequin Superromance. With the publication of One of the Family, January 2000, which is set on a dairy farm in her hometown of Los Banos, California, Susan has finally fulfilled a life-long dream. Her second book, released in June 2000, is Mr Elliott Finds a Family — in which families in all shapes and sizes are celebrated. Susan was thrilled when Harlequin offered her a contract for three more Superromances. As her writing career continues to blossom, her teaching career is settling down. Just recently, she has been offered a full-time, tenure-track teaching position in Developmental English at the Westside satellite campus of Merced College, beginning in August 2000. This means no more two-hour commutes to the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she has taught research and academic writing skills for the past 12 years. With her evenings free (finally!), Susan hopes to continue to train the Mr. Riley Dog (the family dog) to the level where he can be admitted into a therapy dog program. She also is a (sometimes) avid gardener and cross-stitcher.