Glow: Track. Shop. Conceive.

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Informace o aplikaci

Introducing Glow - your ultimate ovulation calculator, period tracker, and fertility calendar! Are you trying to conceive? Or just keen to understand your cycle better? Glow is an advanced fertility app designed with AI technology to help women around the world get pregnant and track their menstrual cycle with precision.

✔️ Ovulation Calendar: Glow's Ovulation Calendar is a revolutionary tool that predicts your fertile window and ovulation day with remarkable accuracy. It keeps track of your menstrual cycle phases, so you'll always know the best times for conception. Whether you have regular or irregular periods, Glow is your go-to ovulation tracker!

✔️ Ovulation Calculator: Our AI-powered Ovulation Calculator takes into account your cycle length, period dates, and other data to provide you with the most accurate fertility predictions. This tool ensures you won't miss your ovulation day, giving you the best chance to conceive.

✔️ Period Tracker: From your first period to post-menopause, Glow is a comprehensive period tracker that adapts to you. This feature allows you to log symptoms, moods, and more, helping you understand your body like never before. It's a personalized and detailed period diary right in your pocket!

✔️ Fertility Calendar: Glow's Fertility Calendar not only marks your fertile days and period dates but also allows you to note symptoms, moods, and even intercourse dates. It's your all-in-one fertility calendar, designed to make trying to conceive a smoother journey.

✔️ Fertility & Ovulation Tracker: Glow isn't just an ovulation tracker; it's a complete fertility companion. Monitor your fertility signs, including basal body temperature (BBT), cervical mucus, and more. Our AI technology learns from your data, improving the accuracy of predictions over time.

✔️ Trying to Conceive (TTC): Glow offers a supportive community for those trying to conceive. Join the conversations, share your journey, and learn from others' experiences. Plus, get tips and advice from fertility experts to enhance your chances of getting pregnant.

✔️ AI-Powered Predictions: Glow utilizes advanced AI to provide personalized fertility advice and predictions. The more data you enter, the smarter it gets, making your journey to conceive more manageable and less stressful.

✔️ Get Pregnant: With Glow by your side, your chances of getting pregnant improve. From predicting your fertile window to providing health tips and TTC advice, Glow is committed to supporting your journey to motherhood.

Use Glow to understand your body, track your cycle, monitor your fertility signs, and increase your chances of getting pregnant. It's not just an app; it's your partner in the journey to conceive. Download Glow today and step into a world of insightful tracking, AI-powered predictions, and a supportive community.

Your journey to motherhood starts here. Join millions of women who trust Glow - download the app today!

For full Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service:

**Note: The information provided by Glow should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for medical advice. If you are having technical issues or have any questions about your cycle or period, we're here to help. Please send us an email to:
Datum aktualizace
23. 9. 2024

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Hodnocení a recenze

69,6 tis. recenzí
Ivana Ševčík Miklošková
10. srpna 2020
Skvela aplikace, ale nejsem si jista, ze presne reflektuje bazalni teplotu... Prijde mi, ze ovulaci pocita vic ze vseobecneho prumeru,nez z mych osobnich dat, ale mam pouze verzi zdarma-placena mozna bude presnejsi.
1 člověk si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
Jana Kucera Saidani
23. března 2021
Před 7h proběhla aktualizace aplikace, od té doby aplikace nefunguje,nemohu ji otevřít, co dělat?
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
Helena „Heloušek“
3. srpna 2020
Nemá češtinu, takže se v ní nevyznám škoda Jo bylo by to fajn, kdyby byla čeština co nejdříve
1 člověk si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
Glow Inc
3. srpna 2020
Děkuji, že jste nás kontaktovali. Bohužel neexistuje možnost používat aplikaci Glow v češtině, ale tuto možnost můžeme v budoucnu zvážit.