Ab 13 Jahren

Über diese App

Ngaklou - A Disaster Warning and Damage Reporting System, is a mobile app with two way communication system between Government authority and citizen for a hassle free citizen support.
It has three modules for 1) before a disaster happening, 2) during a disaster, and 3) after a disaster occurrence. This app will make easier the Government to protect live and properties of citizen. The modules are:
1) Message from Authority: Authority can send warnings of foreseeable disasters to make human casualty minimum during a calamity. In normal time authority can use it as general notification medium, like Covid-19 related information, election related notifications, etc.
2) Incidence reporting: During a disaster if a citizen found a landslide, wild fire, road blocked, etc, he can report the incident to authority with photograph and GPS location using this app.
3) After a disaster: After occurrence of a calamity official can call property damage report through the app, and victims of the calamity can submit damage report with estimated cost of damage to the authority.
Ukhrul district is a remote and hilly district of North-East India, and it has geographical and topological difficulty with scarcely distributed villages and poor road connectivity. The district also falls under the earthquake zone V and heavy rainfall region of India. The app will be great help to citizen living in the district and district administrators in getting information from either way especially in case of a disaster occurrence. In the normal time, the app can be used as a means to inform its citizen Government activities.
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