Grundig Smart Remote

5,5 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
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Grundig Smart Remote application allows you to control your Grundig Smart TV using your Android Phone.

The only requirement is that your Android Phone/Tablet is connected to the same Access point as your TV. The Smart Remote app identifies your TV automatically and then you can control your TV in a comfortable way with it.


- Connect your Grundig Smart TV to your network access point.
- Connect your Android Phone to the same access point.
- Start "Grundig Smart Remote" application and press the "Add Device" button. If your Android Phone cannot identify your Grundig Smart TV automatically, press the “+” button to connect your TV manually by entering your TV's IP-Address.


The application offers different screen functions: Remote, Keyboard, Smart Guide and Schedule list.

- Remote: Remote control functionality for your Grundig Smart TV.
- Keyboard: Allows you to use the keyboard on your smart phone for TV applications in cases where input is needed.
- TV Guide: Allows you to navigate the TV channel list, search for channels and set a reminder or recorder for any event without changing the channel while watching TV.
- Schedule: Allows to see all available reminder and recorder events you set before and all are listed in one screen.

* Features may vary depend on your product.

Please check the “Supported Models" screen in the Settings to see if Grundig Smart Remote is compatible with your Grundig Smart TV.
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-iyl, 2024

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5,23 ming ta sharh
Muhammad Ergashev
9-yanvar, 2022
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Includes fixes to connection problems with certain TVs.
Bugfixes and performance improvements.

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