Dice Merge - Cubes Puzzle

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1 ming+
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An exciting puzzle game that challenges your logical thinking with various game modes and many interesting levels.

This puzzle game requires you to place cubes on the game board to create groups with the same number of points. Each move is accompanied by a random number on a cube, which you must place on the game board. Three or more identical cubes next to each other will merge into one with a larger number, and when cubes with the highest value are merged, they disappear from the field.

If the game board is completely filled, you lose.

★ This game includes two modes: Basic and Free.

The goal is to complete the task offered at each level, and the types of tasks vary from level to level. In one set of levels, you need to collect target cubes, in another, merge certain stones, in a third, fill a bar, and in a fourth, score a certain number of points.

In addition, there are various complications on each level, such as filling some cells with random cubes at the start, or blocking some cells from placing a cube.

Free game:
The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible and set a record before the field is filled. As you play, the difficulty increases, and the number of cube stages increases.

★ Special bonuses are available in the game

The feature of removing several unnecessary cubes from the field if the game board is almost full.

As you progress through the levels, you can also receive multipliers that increase the number of points and coins earned for completing levels.

★ Features:

Engaging logic puzzle
Many diverse levels
Two game modes
Over 100 levels with different types of tasks
Easy controls
No time limit.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-sen, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

- Added «Daily Rewards»
- Fixed bugs and improved performance