Party Fruits Classic UK Slot

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Party Fruits Classic UK Slot Machine

A CAshman_eq take on a Classic UK Fruit Machine

Welcome to my sights and sounds Recreation of the classic UK Slot Machine Party Fruits.

This recreation is one of my more bespoke slots With the essence of the original, but with a little of Crazy Fruits form added in there for good measure. This slot does not use original ROM's as such does not play exactly like the original. The question is can you tell the difference?

I hope you enjoy it and would to hear any thoughts you may have on the game.
This slot is Tournament ready so if you would like to get involved in our tournaments get in touch through the app and we'll get you set up.


Please Note: This app is 100% FREE to play as are all of our events and tournaments. You will never be asked to pay to play, as such please do not contact me asking how you withdraw your winnings. The slot is purely for FUN and enjoyment of the game.

Oxirgi yangilanish
29-avg, 2024

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Initial Phase 2 Release