School Principal

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Hamma uchun

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🏫 School Principal: School Principal Simulation 🎓

Are you ready for an exciting adventure? Seize the opportunity to manage and develop your school with "School Principal"! In this thrilling simulation game, you'll take on the role of a school principal.

Focus on Student Satisfaction 📚
Listen to students' requests and needs, motivate them, and ensure they receive the best education. Make decisions on discipline issues and work to transform your school into a positive learning environment.

Manage Your Teachers 👩‍🏫
Increase your teachers' productivity by meeting their requests and needs. Communicate effectively with your teachers to enhance the quality of education and boost your school's success.

Meet the Needs of Your School 💼
Identify your school's needs and make necessary improvements while keeping your budget in check. Purchase new equipment, upgrade school facilities, and turn your school into a better educational institution.

Develop Your School🌟
Choose from a variety of options, from swimming pools to new classrooms, to develop your school. Increase satisfaction among your students and staff to become a successful school principal.

Hire New Teachers👨‍🏫
Strengthen your team by hiring new teachers with different skills. Specialize your school in various areas to enhance your students' success.

Shape the future of your school and strive to become the best school principal. Take charge of your school's management today with "School Principal" and make a difference in the education world!
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-fev, 2024

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