Battery Percentage Motorola

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Enable hidden Battery Percentage overlay feature on your default battery indicator on Motorola, Nexus and all other smartphones having Stock or Vanilla Android UI.

Battery Percentage for Motorola app is specially designed for users having following Android smartphones,

- Motorola Moto E Series (E, E2, E3, E3 Power, E4, E4 Plus)
- Motorola Moto G Series (G, G2, G3, G4, G4 Play, G4 Plus, G5, G5 Plus, G5S, G5S Plus)
- Motorola Moto X Series (X, X2, X Play, X Force)
- Motorola Moto Z Series (Z, Z Play, Z Force, Z2 Play, Z2 Force)
- Motorola Moto C Series (C, C Plus)
- Motorola Moto M
- Motorola Droid Turbo (Maxx) and Droid Turbo 2 (Maxx 2)
- Google Nexus Series Smartphones (Nexus 3, Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 6P)
- All other smartphones that doesn't have OEM Modified UI.

How to use this app
- Start the app
- Click on Enable Battery Percentage button.
- If you have phone which have android version KitKat (4.4+) or Lollipop (5.0+) then you will need to restart your phone in order to display Battery Percentage.
- If you have phone which have Android Marshmallow (6.0+) or Nougat (7.0+) then it will display Battery Percentage Immediately when you click on Enable Battery Percentage button.
- That's all. Enjoy the app.

App is very small in size (~1.5 Mb) and it also doesn't occupy Memory or Battery in background. This app is totally free to use.

If you face any issue, or need any help regarding this app then please send email on

If you like this app then please rate this app and share this app with your friends. Sharing is Caring :-)

This app doesn't affiliated with Motorola and Google Nexus smartphones or not owned by them. This app is developed to provide enhanced user experience on mentioned brand smartphones.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-sen, 2017

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