Halloween Chronicle 1 f2p

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A new free to play version of Halloween Chronicles: Monsters that many players will like! You need to seek and find hidden objects and win this fun search and find mystery games full of puzzles, brain teasers and mini-games! This game has no plot differences with the original object finding games adventure, and its main feature is that you can play the entire hidden objects mystery games quest for free!

Your dad invited you to celebrate, trick-or-treat, in your hometown. You’re excited for your reunion, but your joy is quickly overshadowed by eerie creatures invading your home! It’s up to you to delve into your family’s secret history to stop the monsters. Do you have what it takes to save the town from a terrible fate before it’s too late? Find out in this thrilling adventure - Halloween Chronicles: Monsters Among Us Collector’s Edition!

🎃 Save your hometown from dangerous monsters!
Rescue Rivertown and all its residents from evil monsters while playing one the best mysterious puzzles, brain teasers and mystery hidden object games!

🎃 Stop ghosts from using a magic camera in the bonus game!
Your magic camera gets stolen by mysterious ghosts in the Bonus Chapter! Now it’s up to you to go through tons of puzzles and top hidden object games!

🎃 Collectible objects are waiting for you!
Like most of the hidden objects puzzle adventures, it has everything you’d enjoy apart from the main playing process. You may also collect morphing objects, film rolls, as well as replay your favorite puzzles and brain teasers!

Download one of the most amazing free hidden object games – Chronicles: Monsters Among Us! Play the game for absolutely free, but if you feel stuck or don’t want to solve a mini-game, you may buy hints to help you proceed quicker!

Questions? Email us at support@dominigames.com
Visit our website to search and find hidden object games: http://dominigames.com
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Solve puzzles and brain teasers in these great new top mystery search and find games!
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-avg, 2024

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