BJJ fight: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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The app is a catalog of more than 200 videos of positions and techniques that, in my humble opinion, will help you to have a good base in Jiu Jitsu (the famous BJJ).

I'm a brown belt (3 degrees) in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I selected here some of the best videos for your study.

There are tons of videos out there and many are totally confused and misleading. So I made this thorough selection. I hope my selection helps you too!

These are videos that I found on the internet and I believe they will help you as much as they helped me on my Jiu Jitsu journey. It's been eight years destroying my ear! :)

The videos of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are organized in categories so it is easy to find what you are looking for.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a complex martial art, the more study you have, the better your progress will be!

I hope you enjoy it and practice!

This app is for those who want to know more about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - BJJ.

BJJ Training is a training resource designed for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes everywhere!
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-apr, 2024

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