NKPLe Library eBook

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NKPLe Library eBook. It also provides features that help users storing and selecting varieties of books. With its systematic categorization management, the items in the library will be categorized into types: newspapers; books; magazines; photo albums; and catalogs. They can be further searched with alphabetical keyword index. The contents of the library can be displayed by: titles display covers, spine or name list.
The actual viewing is like flipping the pages of a real book. And the user can customize the various page display scales : Thumbnail or perform zoom functions such as Magnifier View.
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-noy, 2021

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- เปิดตัว
- รองรับ Android Version 6 ขึ้นไป
- รองรับการอ่านแบบ ePub