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HAVE A BALL with JUGGLE! by Denki.

JUGGLE! is our heartfelt tribute to classic gaming. It's a trip back in time to the origins of arcade games that captures the 1970s vibe but is enriched by a contemporary twist.

Use your paddle to bat balls into the air. The more balls you juggle, the more points you score. It's as simple as that. If only it was so simple to stop playing once you start...

* Easy to pick up but hard to put down - and even harder to master.
* No-nonsense rules and immediate action.
* Heart-warming retro styling with a distinctly modern flavour.
* Space-age audio effects take you on a trip.
* A choice of five paddle sensitivities. This helps fresh players get settled AND offers the connoisseur a new thrill.
* Adjustable timer position to suit left- and right-handed players.
* Rotate the device 180 degrees for devices to help on devices where you might otherwise touch the buttons during play.
* Pause the game by tapping in the top half of the screen.


"JUGGLE! is a gloriously simple and entertaining game that is flawlessly executed." ThePortableGamer.com

"JUGGLE! is just perfect for pulling out when you have a spare moment. Definitely worth adding to anyone's collection." 5/5 AppSpy.com

Please email us with questions or feedback.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-dek, 2023

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