Sweet Macaron Theme

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Sweet Macaron Theme For Computer Launcher is the best theme pack for windows launcher and computer launcher style phone,Sweet Macaron Theme For Computer Launcher is designed to give your mobile look similar to Sweet Macaron Theme For Computer Launcher mobile phone. This Theme pack is base on blue design and is now available for free download.Sweet Macaron Theme For Computer Launcher icon pack is for desktop tile design will make your Android phone or tablet a Modern look.
Theme pack is specially designed for android low end devices is a very cool Quad HD resolution ready launcher for your Android Smart Phones. This theme pack include lot of wallpapers to chose from.

Key Features of Launcher:

★ Smooth icon animations
★ Custom icon pack for many apps
★ WQHD wallpapers - Beautiful Wallpaper to decorate your screen
★ Simulates Sweet Macaron Theme For Computer Launcher
★ Power efficient
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-sen, 2023

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Release version :46 (4.6)
Fixed minor bugs.