Restore Calllogs and Contacts

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230 ta sharh
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The fastest data backup and restore tool on Android phones.
You can backup contacts, text messages, call history to your SD.

Call Logs Backup app is one of the cleanest and fastest way to backup your Android phone call logs. With Call Logs Backup on your Android phone never lose a call log again. Stranded with an old phone from which you want to backup up call logs.

The app quickly generates a backup file for you, which can be shared with your new phone. Just like the backup process, restoring call logs from a backup file has been made equally simple, you just have to View a backup file that you want to restore and tap 'Restore'.

Here are some of the core features of this app,
- Backup your call logs , sms and contacts.

Steps follow for use this application:
Read the privacy policy carefully.
Press on the proceed button.
Grant the permissions by tap on the specific item.
There are four options in each section:
Backup , Restore , View backup files and delete files.
All backup files will store in user's devices.
User is the owner of its own data.
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-avg, 2024

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229 ta sharh