Pixel Galaxy Shooter

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358 ta sharh
500 ming+
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Welcome to the journey of battlestar a spaceship alien shooter shooter game. You have missions to attack all aliens and space invaders. With a shootter space ship, you will be an allienshooter and a galaxy quest to attack galaga aliens. You have to defeat the rocket ship, space alien with some alined starship and galaxy shooter. Attack! You can’t wait. Keep alines in the nave and avoid hitting any allien starships.
This is a galaxy game that let you have fun in space alien shooter. You will be challenge in keeping in the nave among columns of space invaders. This spacegame design is like Atari battlestar galactica spacegame. Let’s retro with galaga spaceships!

- Easy to understand the gameplay. Just shooting and defeat the enemy spaceships
- The scene and sounds are like Atari spacegame in retro-style
- Daily guest to get prizes and spin for special rewards
- Good game for kids and adults
- Muti-levels for more challenges. Have fun in la galaxy and defeating aliens in the attic

How to

- Start the game. Touch and hold the galaxy shooter to control the spaceship shootter
- Keep defeating the aliens by shooting the aliens
- Avoid touching the space invaders which can be allien, allienshooter, alien spaceships. If not, you will be loss and the game stop. You can restart the space game again and again without limit
- Get special items to increase the attack ability
- Keep shooting through the nave and move fast when the aliens starships drop

This game will be one of the most favorite alien spaceships shooter games for Atari style lovers. You can play it at anywhere as you like. There is no ending and you can be the galaxy guest in this battle anytime. Have fun in the space journey and have fun. For more information or feedback, it would be thankful to receive them via email.
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-noy, 2023

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