SUBURBIA City Building Game

999 ta sharh
50 ming+
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"All in all, the app is pretty fantastic" -Board Game Geek

"An accessible and interesting game, and we recommend it for budding strategists and architects alike." -Pocket Gamer

"Overall, Suburbia is pretty awesome. It plays well, looks good, has lasting replay value ... There’s simply not much to complain about." -148Apps

Ted Alspach's city-building board game is now available for Android! The winner of the prestigious 2013 Mensa Select Mind Games award challenges you to manage a growing metropolis. Choose your strategy carefully as you compete against multiple computer personalities and your friends. Or take on the Single Player Campaign, and travel to real-life cities, each with unique goals.

Build residential, commercial, civic, and industrial areas like stores, museums, airports, and of course suburbs. The market is always changing, so spend your cash wisely. Be careful not to grow too quickly, or you'll lose both income and your reputation. Make the right moves to grow your population and you will emerge victorious!

• Two to Four player Local Pass-and-Play Games
• Six unique AI (computer) Personalities
• Single Player Campaign through Real Cities
• Interactive Tutorial, Rule Book, and Tile Reference
• English and German language tiles, including over 50 Different Buildings
• Supports devices with a 6-inch screen or larger
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-sen, 2024

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