Glasses Photo Editor

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With Glasses Photo Editor, you can now add virtual glasses or sunglasses to your photos effortlessly. This photo editing app offers a vast collection of designer sunglasses as "photo stickers," making it an excellent tool for virtual try-on glasses of different styles. It's like playing "makeover games" where you can experiment with different eyewear and see how they look on your face shape.

Not only can you select from a broad range of glasses and sunglasses models, but you can also add other stickers to your photos to create a unique and personalized touch. The app is easy to use and offers features like cropping, image effects, brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, and text editing tools to write quotes on your photos. You can even add emojis to your pictures to make them more fun and playful.

To get started with Glasses Photo Editor, you can either take a new photo or select an image from your gallery. From there, you can choose the glasses or sunglasses you want to add and adjust them to fit your face. You can also zoom in or out, rotate, adjust, flip left, and flip right to make sure everything is perfect.

Once you're done editing, you can save the photo in your gallery, set it as your wallpaper, or share it with your friends on social media. Whether you want to try out new glasses styles or just have fun with your photos, Glasses Photo Editor is the perfect app for you.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-iyl, 2024

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