Astro Dodge

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Ready for a Galactic Adventure?

Dive into the endless expanse of space with Astro Dodge - the ultimate arcade space shooter! Your spaceship awaits, and it's up to you to fend off dangerous asteroids and expertly dodge them. But here's the twist: the control system is as innovative as it is intuitive! Maneuver your spaceship through simple tilting of your smartphone. The stronger you tilt, the faster your spaceship moves.

Conquer the Waves of Asteroids. The game gets more challenging with each wave, demanding lightning-fast reflexes to survive. Fire lasers by simply tapping your screen and destroy the asteroids before they catch you.

Three Difficulty Levels. Suitable for beginners and pros alike. Choose from Easy, Medium, and Hard to test your skills.

Earn Experience Points. Every hit asteroid rewards you with valuable experience points. Collect enough of them, and you'll level up, allowing you to upgrade your spaceship. Enhance your ship with extra lives, a protective shield, more powerful weapons, and much more!

Challenges and Rewards. Are you brave enough to reach level 50 on hard? Show that you're the true Astro Dodge master and conquer the universe!

Get ready for a breathtaking space adventure. Download Astro Dodge now and show the galaxy who's the boss!

Caution: This game can be addicting!
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-fev, 2024

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Sebastian Schwarzkopf