XRW is a Sport Skydivers tool for skydivers to self manifesting, jump booking, and many more at your local XRW dropzone.
With XRW you are able to check in, self manifest, load organize, jump booking, add a logbook, set an appointment with your desired instructors, riggers or coach, find events and check and view your transaction history.
Ratings card:
Connect XRW directly to your Merit account and the dropzone will be able to see your USPA and UPT licences and ratings immediately.
Self Manifesting:
No more lining up to manifest. Now you can put yourself and your friends on a load with a couple of click. Great for fun jumpers, load organizers and teams alike.
Transaction History:
Complete history of every transaction you have made at your dropzone. No more bothering manifests at the end of the day. Be their best friend and check your jumps on your phone.
Log Book:
A full electronic logbook automatically keeps track of your jumps at any XRW enabled dropzone (you can add jumps made at other dropzones manually).
Jump Booking
With Jump Booking, you can easily book your jump for the day and time of your choice, without wasting time on multiple loads at your local XRW dropzone.
Gear renting
You can easily rent suitable Gear at any XRW dropzone.
Set Appointment
Arrange an appointment with your instructor, rigger, and coach at a convenient time and location.