Through the Fasrly application, you can request a direct consultation from elite accredited experts from all over the Arab world in the disciplines of mental health, marital and emotional life, family and child rearing, human development and self-development, career development, sports and weight loss, and even dream interpretation.
All the consultants, experts and doctors within the Fussarly application are certified experts whose testimony, experience and ability to help you have been confirmed and confirmed, as Fusarli includes the elite consultants in the Arab world.
You can request and receive a consultation within the Fasrly application with ease from the consultant via written, audio, or video messages.
Your information and consultations with the Fasrli application are completely safe, as the highest levels of security and privacy protection are adhered to within the Fasrli application, which guarantees the confidentiality and complete protection of your information and advice.
Requesting a consultation through the Fursli application is a very simple process, all you have to do is:
1- Download the app
2- Register a new account (requires 3 seconds)
3- Choosing a consultant
4- Then send the advice
Fasrli application provides a support service around the clock to receive any inquiries and help you at all times