Share locations with friends, family or anybody you choose with privacy in your hands. Our end-to-end encrypted service ensures your location data stays safe and under your control. No selling, no sharing– just the privacy you deserve and trust you can count on. Grid is free and open source, and utilizes the Matrix Protocol for end-to-end encryption so only those you choose know where you are.
- Add contacts for one to one location sharing
- Create long term or short term and temporary groups
- Self hosting capability using the Matrix Protocol
- Custom map provider through Protomaps (does not utilize Google Maps or Apple Maps)
- Cloudflare integration to serve map tiles efficiently and improve privacy
- Self hosted map provider capability
Grid is created by Rezivure, a tech company dedicated to tools that enhance digital privacy. Without privacy we do not have freedom.
To check out our source code, visit
Follow us on X @mygridhq and Instagram @mygridapp for updates.
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