A-Z Quote of the Day: Your daily source of inspiration!
In addition to a carefully selected quote of the day, A-Z Quote of the Day offers a variety of other quotes and sayings. ✨ Style, collect and share these quotes however you like!
📚 Discover countless quotes:
Find inspiring words from famous personalities such as Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Goethe or Oscar Wilde. Be inspired or make you think. Filter the quotes by topics like motivation, love or life.
🌟 Beautifully designed:
Each quote is displayed with an appropriate image and style. If you don't like that, you can generate additional styles for each quote. Customize the image, font and style.
🖼️ Smart Wallpapers:
Matching background images are suggested for each quote. You can select these directly or have other styles suggested. Open a quote and press either Shuffle 🔄 or Edit ✏️.
📁 Collect:
Organize your favorite quotes into collections. Create your own collections and save your quotes in the look and image you choose.
📤 Share:
Send quotes directly to friends and acquaintances via A-Z Quote of the Day or share them on social media.
🤔 Quiz:
Do you know who the famous quotes come from? Puzzle along and test your knowledge!
A-Z Quote of the Day is the most comprehensive app for sayings and quotes in German-speaking countries. 🌍 Don't miss this app!
📲 Download A-Z Quote of the Day now and start your journey to daily inspiration and wisdom. Get the app now on the Play Store!
A-Z Quote of the Day – Your daily dose of wisdom and inspiration. 🌟