BE IN AGRICULTURE is an international Platform or Application accessible through web browsers on the or through its mobile applications whose mission is to connect professionals in agricultural and agri-food sector with a view to acquiring and developing knowledge, finding appropriate opportunities and trade skills, building professional relationships, following events and improving professional practices.
- The Platform interested in exchanging information relating to the agricultural (plant and animal) and agri-food sector throughout the entire value chain (from production to marketing).
- To benefit from the Platform's services, every natural or legal person may obtain an identity through creating an account and specifying his identity by using the Platform’s monitoring and setting tools.
- The Platform aims to contribute to the development of agriculture (plants and animals) and agri-food sectors around the world. It offers users a variety of services which access is governed by the "User agreement" clauses, in particular:
1. Communication between actors of the sectors targeted by the Platform;
2. Access to information (technical, scientific, financial, etc.) shared between users (physical or legal);
3. Access to the services offered by the platform;