Managing school fees can be a tiring and stressful task many times. With "my isaac", all that was in the past! Managing tuition becomes much easier and more practical!
"my isaac" is a digital platform for isaac partner schools, which brings practicality and autonomy to everyday life. In addition to allowing guardians to manage school fees quickly, safely and efficiently, it also has a simple and intuitive interface. The platform allows you to view all the financial information of your contracts, including monthly fees, payments made, past due and due payments, additional fees and other debts. In addition, it is possible to negotiate debits and make payments directly through the platform, safely.
With "my isaac", school financial management becomes easier and more convenient for those responsible, who gain autonomy and practicality when accessing information about salaries, delays and other important school information. Being able to access all of this, anytime and anywhere, quickly and conveniently, in the palm of your hand.
We cannot fail to mention the ease of making the payment through my isaac. Those responsible can choose to pay school fees through the application itself, using flexible payment methods, with all convenience.
And to ensure the security of data and payments, the platform has protection features, data validation and other security measures that protect your information and payments.
Meu isaac is the perfect solution for managers who don't have time to waste and need more practicality and autonomy in their daily lives.