The British Oncology Network for Undergraduate Societies (BONUS) is a national oncology network for medical students and junior doctors. The network is a pan-oncology society aiming to promote career and education in clinical, medical, surgical and interventional oncology. We work together to develop a platform that allows those with an interest in oncology to network and facilitate student involvement in cancer education and research.
There's so much you can do:
• Learn more about cancer with our exclusive education content, which includes videos and summary notes.
• Be the first to know about our latest updates and future events.
• Join groups that are relevant to you.
• Connect with others through community forums and discussions. This is also a great way to share your experience and let other people be inspired.
This space is created for you. Do feel free to comment on our posts or initiate any conversations. Tell us what you think of this community and how it can be better for you. We look forward to creating this space with you.
Twitter: @BONUSOncSoc
Instagram: @bonusoncsoc