What is it?
TENI is a neuropsychological evaluation test designed to build profiles of cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
With this battery operation is evaluated attention, visuospatial development, systems memory, language and executive functions in children from 3: 0 to the 9:11 years
Who can apply?
It is designed to be applied by psychologists, speech therapists and professionals trained in neuropsychology.
Psychometric characteristics
TENI has been standardized with 608 children, from three socio-economic levels. Each of its scales shows levels of reliability ranges ranging from "good" to "excellent".
evidence of validity from the content, the response process, the internal consistency and relationship with external variables is provided. It is oriented to the standard and has been designed with a functional modular conception of cognition.
TENI consists of 8 sets of ten components that assess psychological processes (visuospatial development, attention, memory systems, language and executive functions). Delivers a performance profile for function with standardized scores.
The evaluation is done through a tablet individually lasting between 20 to 30 minutes. Correction is automatic, allowing to obtain reliable results quickly.