Real Awakening will help you in your process of self-knowledge and inner search
100% free application that offers content on revolutionary psychology, awakening of consciousness, dissolution of the EGO, sensitivity to the other, white tantrism through guided meditations, theoretical and practical classes, books, among other tools, download it and start discovering now same.
Get to know your inner world by investing a few minutes a day using the various functions that the App offers such as guided meditations, live classes both theoretical and practical (*coming soon), help material, books aimed at awakening spiritual restlessness, music that nourishes the state of concentration and exercises that promote full attention.
The application is created with the aim of creating spiritual restlessness so that everyone can deepen their inner search and raise the level of consciousness.
✨ About Real Awakening Org:
Real Awakening Org is a non-profit organization that encourages self-knowledge so that each person seeks and finds the truths to their existential questions. Thus, whoever practices awakens and that Greek saying "man, know yourself and you will know the universe and its gods” will come true inside.
If the person discovers himself, he inevitably changes, improving the quality of life and well-being not only of himself but of the environment in which he surrounds himself, this in turn encourages others to do the same process, creating a network of consciousness.
✨ Main features
📍The classes are aimed at any applicant regardless of their creed, age, social status or sex and do not require prior knowledge, they are based on 4 pillars of universal wisdom that were practiced in ancient times by different cultures such as the Egyptian, Greek and pre-Hispanic civilizations:
- Knowledge and dissolution of the EGO: through psychology we discover our ways of being, our EGO, and with meditation we eliminate that from our inner world, cleaning our spark each time
- Sexual Transmutation: Sexual energy is capable of generating life, if it is used for another purpose and not only for sexual enjoyment, this energy goes to a higher state that directly impacts the pineal gland, promoting spiritual development and inner growth.
- Science: it must be said that practice makes perfect, therefore the foundation of science is practice, tools such as meditation, concentration, awareness in dreams, among others, make the person experiment, discover and succeed.
- Love: Developing this virtue is putting into practice all the previous ones since love is a state or level of consciousness and not a feeling or sensation. By raising the level of consciousness you selflessly help others, strangers, but not before forgetting about ourselves, about remembering ourselves, when carrying out this work, wisdom is shared with others, generating that spiritual restlessness and desire to awaken that many long for.
Real also includes a variety of other content such as: breathing exercises, stopwatch, relaxing music, etc.
If you have any questions, please send an email to
Real Awakening Org