A Google user
It just works. I spent a couple weeks going down the FastLED route and them came across DrZzs on youtube using this app and Arduino firmware. I had it fully working in a matter of minutes with little to no issues. I think the UI is a little buggy when it comes to pre-set modes, just gotta try a few times to get it to save the right way. But I'm not going to complain as this app is free and for how quickly it got me up and running.
35 people found this review helpful
Alec Waples-Dexter
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EDIT: I'll leave my original review below for posterity. The developers were extremely quick to respond to my problem and the app works perfectly now, easily the best LED controlling software out there. OLD REVIEW: Anytime you try to discover lights it just crashes the app. I can get it to work by putting in a static IP address but then once connected if I disconnect I cannot reconnect without completely setting the lights up again.
23 people found this review helpful
December 12, 2022
Hi and thank you for reporting this problem! It should now be fixed, please update your app and try again.
The LED's themselves are amazing and the app has so much you're able to do with the patterns. I would like to see a way to integrate this into my Google home app so that the assistant can control it, so I took a star for that. But