Our Tele-consultation platform enables remote consultation with patients and remote primary care physician or specialist. We provide required hardware and software solutions for economical telemedicine services. Consulting doctor will have access to patient records, vitals and results of other diagnostic tests performed prior to the consultation. Entire setup for tele-consultation is mobile and can be done from any location where internet connectivity is available.
AYUSH Healthcare
Customizable and flexible application for the users to choose from the varied specialties
such as AYUSH doctors, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Allopath, tele-ophthalmology, tele-cardiology etc. and functionalities.
The users can choose the desired specialists and hospitals for tele-consultation as per their requirements.
Tele-consultation facility using both 'store and forward' and 'real-time' mode.
In a 'store and forward' mode, the users can choose the doctors in the specialized area for the diagnosis and send the selected/ entire EMR for consultation.
For 'real-time' consultation, video conferencing facility is provided to the user to connect to the doctor.
Comprehensive Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
EMR includes demographic and other patient data like clinical examination reports, physical examination reports along with patient's medical history, family's medical history, etc.
Video Conferencing
The web / app based video conferencing enables doctors to have a video/audio conversation with the consulting their patients
Online text based chat facility is also available.
Appointment Scheduler
The users can seek appointments with specialists depending on their availability.
The appointments can be scheduled as
(a) Online: which enables audio/video conferencing with the specialist and
(b) Offline: where patient can visit the doctor at his clinic/ hospital for a one-to-one interaction. Users may also view the doctors' availability status.