🌡️ Weather Forecaster is an hourly weather forecast for 14 days. Detailed information for every hour on temperature, precipitation, wind, pressure and moon phases. Accurate weather forecast for free. Weather for today, weather for tomorrow, weather for a week and two weeks ahead.
Top features of the free Weather Forecaster app:
❗ Weather without annoying Ads - Free.
🌦️ Hourly weather forecast for two weeks.
📱 Weather on your phone screen. Free Weather widget.
💙 Weather in your favorite locations - Favorites.
🏙️ Precise location definition down to the street.
🖥️ Dark and Light graphic theme.
🌐 Multilanguage, possibility to change language.
🚩 Units of weather data to choose from.
🌈 Weather service from Weather Forecaster :
🌡️ Air temperature and weather conditions for every hour, weather for tomorrow and 14 days forecast.
☔ Rain probability and precipitation intensity. Clouds, rain, showers, snow, thunderstorms, fog, doldrums, heavy snowfall, freezing and ice.
🌪️ Wind - direction and speed for 10 days and two weeks.
🎚️ Atmospheric pressure, which can affect weather and weather-sensitive people.
🌓 Phases of the Moon. Sunrise and sunset of the Sun and Moon for each day local time. Moon phases affect active fishing, hunting.
Weather Forecaster - Free app suitable for smartphones, tablets, smart TV. Free weather app Weather Forecaster is available for download in Google Play Market. Just install the most accurate weather forecast on your phone and bad weather will not take you by surprise.
✔️ Long-term weather forecast based on ECMWF weather forecast model. Data is collected from weather satellites, radar, weather stations and weather maps.
✔️ Accurate location down to the street and convenient voice search.
✔️ Simple and easy to use interface. Dark and light graphic themes. Multilingual, available in more than 40 languages.
✔️ Ability to change measurement system: Metric, Imperial for weather indicators. Weather in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
✔️ You can select a list of cities in which you are interested in weather, and quickly switch between them in the “Favorites” section.
✔️ Widget on your smartphone home screen - Current weather and hourly forecast is always at your fingertips. You can customize the appearance and content of the weather widgets in the settings.
✔️ Weather on android, weather without internet - Weatherman stores weather forecast even if you have bad internet right now.
Track the weather in your favorite places and enjoy the intuitive interface of Weather Forecaster and remember : “Nature has no bad weather”.
You can contact Weather Forecaster service directly from the app, we do not store or share your personal data with others.