CashBerry Business:
CashBerry Business helps your business get online and launch your online store in 30 seconds for FREE. Using this app, you can grow your business and earn more money, easily.
CashBerry business has 2 services:
CashBerry Stores:
It allows you to create an online store on your phone for FREE and share it easily with your customers on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc.
CashBerry Virtual ATM:
It allows you to manage customer's deposits/withdrawals and get paid for it.
Convert your store into virtual ATM
Accept cash withdrawals from customers on your app
Earn extra money and get paid!
3 simple steps to grow your business
1. Enter your WhatsApp Phone number and add your store details.
2. Your online store is activated immediately and you get instant access to your online store url.
3. Start adding your products, images and build a digital catalogue.
4. Share product/catalog/store links with anyone on WhatsApp.
5. Get notified of new orders from customers and take control of your data.
6. Your customer can either have their orders picked-up, home-delivered, or come to the shop to pick-up their products
Start taking WhatsApp orders & become an online business in 15 seconds.