Chris Telecom
I'm honestly impressed! Not a big VR fan, but this is actually interesting and fun to cruise around in. Lots of great memories as you discover things! I'm sure this is a work in progress, and I see new a installations and camps popping up regularly. Good job developers. BUT, just one thing, my mic doesn't work in the app. My friends can't hear me so we conference a call together so we can all chat that way while exploring. Any way to fix the mic? Galaxy S10 5G
3 people found this review helpful
Kynthia Brunette
I understand the mixed reviews, but this is a huge undertaking, and overall, I think they did a good job, and there are elements of the experience that really do feel like exploring the playa. If you are only seeing the floor, it's because your device is pointed at the floor - it's a VR environment and you need to think of your phone as a window, and point it where you want to look - at eye level! You can also use the wheel to look around, but it's easiest to only use it for left/right. <3 )'(
12 people found this review helpful