This application is intended for developers who want to modify APK files and install them directly on a smartphone.
SignYourApk digitally signs Android APK files using a default certificate (password 12345678) or, if present, using your own certificate.
Your certificate should be located in your Download directory and named "certificate.jks" on Android earlier than version 7.0 or named "cert.bks" for newer Android versions.
This application is ad-free and its Java source code is freely available.
It was developed as part of the PDOS (Public Domain Operating System) project by a global team of developers.
For more information about the PDOS project, visit the website
Please note that this app does NOT allow you to update a Google Play Store
app via some method other than Google Play Store. What it allows is
for an arbitrary APK to be signed - exactly the same as can be done on
a PC. The functionality of a PC has been transferred to a smartphone
(there are other signing apps on the Google Play Store already that do
the same thing, but we prefer our own open source version).