Coway IoCare

1,52 tys. opinii
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Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu

Informacje o aplikacji

Coway smart management solution, Coway IoCare.
IoCare is an IoT-based care solution for observing and diagnosing customer’s daily life.

[Key Features]

# Real-Time Monitoring
The IoT air purifier can monitor indoor/outdoor air quality.
The IoT water purifier can monitor water usage information and safety management service status.

# Convenient Control
You can check and control the product anytime and anywhere.
Also, you can voice-control the product with a voice recognition speaker.
Furthermore, IoCare service is being developed to be capable of AI-control to activate smart clean mode of air purifiers in advance by predicting indoor air polution level based on AI reinforcement learning process.
(Voice control/AI control is supported only on some air purifier models)

# Analysis Report
- IoCare provides analysis reports based on the usage history of IoT products and propose customized diagnostic solutions through big data analysis.

# Smart Notification and Product Management
- IoCare provides various contents for optimal product management, including smart diagnosis notifications and consumable replacement cycle guidance.
[Operating Environment]
Some mobile devices may not be supported.
- IoCare supports Android 7.0 OS or later

- IoCare service may differ by product specifications.
- IoCare service may be different for buyers or non-buyers.
- IoCare service is available only when the IoT product is connected to Wi-Fi.
- Coway products supports only 2.4 GHz of Wi-Fi (5 GHz is not supported).
: If the router provides both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz is disabled, make sure to enable 2.4 GHz in the router’s setting.

[OS Permissions]
※ This app requires the following permissions to provide services.
Even if you do not allow optional permissions, you can still use the service.

- Storage(photos and videos, music and audio): Update contents
* IoCare does not access your photos, videos, music, or audio files except for app updates.

- Phone: Calling the customer center
- Notification: Receive push message
- Location: Wi-Fi control for Wi-Fi setup of the product, Provide external air quality information (product's location and your location)
- Camera: Scan barcode for add products
- Local network: Device connection for product pairing

[Supported Products]
< For Korea >
- Water purifier : C(H)P-7210N, C(H)P-8200N/ 8210N/ 8310L, C(H)P-3140N, CHP-5610N, C(H)P-481L/480L, CHP-482L, C(H)P-321N/320N, CHP(I)-390L, CHP-470L, C(H)PI-7400N, C(H)P-7211N, C(H)PI-5810L, NOBLE water purifier, Icon water purifier
- Air purifier : AP-1521/2021/3021, AP-1515D, APMS-1516E, AP-0818A, AP-0119R/S, AP-2219K, NOBLE air purifier
- Bidet : Double care bidet(BAS37/38-A/B)
- Others: NOBLE dehumidifier (AD-1221E), NOBLE Humidifier (AM-1421G)

< Outside of Korea >
- Water purifier : Aquamega 200
- Air purifier : Airmega 250S/300S/400S, Airmega AP-1512HHS, NOBLE air purifier
Ostatnia aktualizacja
17 lis 2024

Bezpieczeństwo danych

Podstawą bezpieczeństwa jest wiedza o tym, jak deweloperzy zbierają i udostępniają Twoje dane. Praktyki w zakresie zapewniania prywatności i bezpieczeństwa danych mogą się różnić w zależności od sposobu korzystania z aplikacji, regionu i wieku użytkownika. Te informacje podał deweloper i z czasem może je aktualizować.
Żadne dane nie są udostępniane innym firmom
Dowiedz się więcej o deklarowaniu udostępniania danych przez deweloperów
Ta aplikacja może zbierać te rodzaje danych
Lokalizacja, Dane osobowe i inne typy danych (2)
Dane są zaszyfrowane podczas przesyłania
Możesz poprosić o usunięcie danych

Oceny i opinie

1,47 tys. opinii
Ryszard Tuliński
5 stycznia 2021
Aplikacja znowu działa poprawnie, developer mimo przejściowych problemów staje na wysokości zadania. Brawo.
1 osoba uznała tę opinię za pomocną
Czy to było pomocne?
Coway Co., Ltd
5 stycznia 2021
Dear Ryszard Tuliński, We are very sorry for your inconvenience with APP. We had an unexpected server connection issue that was causing these issues. Now everything has been restored. and you may connect the APP with your Airmega. If you have any further questions, Please contact the customer center. and 1-800-285-0982 Thank you.