What is POV?
POV is a voting-based community created with the idea of gathering various thoughts on content.
It’s Niti service!
- Check out various curated contents!
Content in various categories is curated and uploaded to POV! A variety of information is available to you
It will make your day more enriching.
- Feel free to express your opinions!
Express your thoughts by voting and see what others think.
The moment you vote, you'll be curious about what your friends think, right?
- Get push notifications for content you want to see!
Is there content you don't want to miss? Bundles sent just once a day through interest category settings
Well, read the content you want to see with push notifications!
- If you are a content creator!
In POV, you can freely create categories and directly notify users of content publication news.
there is! Why not create a channel right now and create content and votes?
The voices of the world in one place
Different perspectives on the world
Point of View