If you're a student of the Irish language or, perhaps, a bit rusty then Briathra is for you!
Briathra fully conjugates over 150 Irish verbs.
For each verb the
• Present Tense (Aimsir Láithreach),
• Past Tense (Aimsir Chaite),
• Habitual Past (Aimsir Ghnáthchaite),
• Future Tense (Aimsir Fháistineach),
• Conditional Mood (Modh Coinníollach),
• Present Subjunctive Mood (Modh Foshuiteach Láithreach),
• Imperative Mood (Modh Ordaitheach),
• Verbal Noun (Ainm Briathartha) and
• Verbal Adjective (Aidiacht Briathartha)
are shown.
You can also choose to see the Affirmative (Dearfach), Negative (Diúltach) or Interrogative (Ceisteach) form of the verb.