At Dawoodi Bohra Tadreeb, We try our level best to provide Dawoodi Bohra Tadreeb related material on our Application. Here you can get content related to Bohra Community.
This App is designed for Dawoodi Bohra's, Followers of Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS)
With this App you can Listen and download audio & read, download PDF of Marasiya, Madeh, Rasa of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, Nasihat, Qasida, Salaam, Iltija, Manaqabat, Naat, Nazam, Dua, Matami Noha, Marsiya, Namaz Dua, Wuzu Dua, Quran's Surats and Many more...
Now you can play audio (stream audio) without downloading the audio file from the website itself.
Kalaams that have PDF files can be read directly on the page without downloading.
List of content currently available on this website.
مرثیہ | Marsiya
مدح | Made
Rasa - Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (R.A.)
سلام | Salaam
مناقب | Manaqabat
التجا | Ilija
نصيحة | Nasihat
قــصــائـد | Qasida
نعت | Naat
دعاء | Dua
نماز ادعية | Namaz and Wuzu Audio
متفرقات | Miscellaneous