Application aimed at truck drivers, which allows locating
the specific supplier to the demand through geolocation and before
the hiring, the driver will be able to check comments from other
users about the provider, including overall assessment
according to its consumers.
The application brings drivers closer to suppliers without intervention
commercial or financial providing assessment of the relationship of
consumption and negotiation of each other.
When downloading the APP on the cell phone, two paths open up. One to
suppliers and another for drivers. Navigation is simple and with screens
multiple choice. With more than 200 interaction screens, the driver will have
condition of finding providers within your need in
different distances from your location. The APP also offers a
press section with the main news and information from the
segment of road transport, in addition to classified
trucks, parts and services. Inserted in all communication and generation of
traffic, there will be space for sales and advertising for the sector.