EarthRanger is a real-time software solution that aids protected area managers, ecologists, and wildlife biologists in making more informed operational decisions for wildlife conservation. This app enables users with an Android device to automatically send their device locations while on patrol and submit events on the ground to the EarthRanger platform so it can be viewed on the user’s EarthRanger site map in real-time.
Privacy-First Location Services
Our app provides optional location tracking services that you can enable to provide device location in real time to EarthRanger for safety and coordination with providing data to a protected area—including wildlife, ranger patrols, spatial data, and observed threats.
To use this app, you must have an active EarthRanger account as it does not function as a standalone app and must be integrated with the EarthRanger platform in order to capture and visualize the positional tracking of the device on which it is installed.
Terms of use are governed by the EarthRanger End User License Agreement (EULA), available through your EarthRanger account at https://EarthRanger/EULA. For more information about AI2’s policy on location data, please visit