It's an official App for State Referral Laboratory for Aquatic Animal Health, Tamil Nadu, Dr.J.Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, TNFU- Madhavaram Campus, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai - 600 051.
TNJFU Fisheries App Features:
** You can register through your name, farm name, mobile number, place, district, city, address to log in to our TNJFU E -fish Health App
** You can get the details related to Disease information, Sample Analysis, Better Management Services, FAQ, and so on...
** Using sample analysis to Soil/water quality, SHRIMP, SEED, FISH, Others to upload the image for disease affected fish or farm issue and so on as you like to easily analyze the issue.
** Once submitted all the details you will contact through our office phone number to share your issues and submitted details, it's helpful to finish the analysis as early as possible to find the solution.
** Contact details will be placed at the contact menu section.
** Any issues you will contact through below address or mail id or phone number
State Referral Laboratory for Aquatic Animal Health,
Tamil Nadu Dr.J.Jayalalithaa Fisheries University,
TNFU- Madhavaram Campus,
Madhavaram Milk Colony,
India, Tamilnadu, Chennai - 600 051.
044 - 2555 8852, 044 2555 6750
+91 98400 84314
Working Hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Share your feedback with us, to improve the app functionality and all other issues.