Validate your medical device exists in EUDAMED, "Eudamed Scan" searches EUDAMED for you.
EUDAMED is the medical device database for the European Commission.
To scan – Click the scan button and position the scan window over the UDI DI to search EUDAMED. You scan the human-readable string on a medical device label OR search using an individual UDI DI on screen/paper. Make sure you get the start of the label string which has the following characters to signify the start, (01), +, =/, or (9N). When the search text is highlighted click the Seach button.
Edit Code – If no results are found for your search string, you can edit the search value and try again. Sometimes additional characters are added from the scan window. If the scanned code includes some additional characters other than the search formats below, please click on ‘Edit Code’ after searching then delete the excess characters, click enter or done on your mobile keyboard to rerun the search.