Benefits in kind in general
Benefits in kind is part of an employee's monthly income. It's a kind of favor and convenience for employees.
Almost all successful companies ask their employees to receive benefits in kind in the form of a company car, parking garages, official housing, consumer goods, loan, participation, free station (food, drink,) in addition to cash withdrawals.
Reference in kind in the law
In terms of tax law, the remuneration in kind is measured in monetary value and checked in the strictest possible manner. Explanation for this can be found in § 15 of the Income Tax Act 1988. Therefore, documentation such as logbooks, contracts and agreements are conditional.
Payment in kind app
As a calculation tool, we endeavor to feel the legal provisions. Your entries are checked and you can see the results on the display.
Assessment of the benefit in kind - vehicle
It is developed to overcome the problem of evaluating the private use of company vehicles, such as CO2 emissions, registration date, routes, vehicle use with or without a chauffeur.
Data generator button
If an optical example is created, all necessary form data are generated randomly in order to achieve an accurate result.
Enter data key
The entire form data is emptied and your input is asked, if a field is changed, the evaluation result changes.
Information button
Material reference - the vehicle has been determined and the values are available to you, you receive information on possible errors or suggestions for improvement
Thank you in advance and hope for your satisfaction